11 Angel Investor Blogs You Should Be Reading

In the business world, Angel investors are often considered angels who help us fund things that would otherwise not be paid for. Angel investors, guardians of innovation, are accountable for bringing myriad innovative ideas to fruition.

There’s a problem: many of us — particularly those seeking an investment– don’t know what angel investors look for in an individual or idea before deciding to invest. Are you sure it’s a great idea? Could it be due to the individuality or the personality of the player? Could it have more to do with the efficacy of the game? Whatever the reason, investors’ methods of deciding “fundability” remain a bit of a mystery. It’s a kind that is a deus ex machine of business.

Therefore, an excellent method to better understand their mindset and thinking is to hear their opinions, particularly what the individual investors can say. Many of them have their blogs. They provide more than display or offer an insight into the companies they’ve invested in. They give an insight into how their minds work.

Below, you’ll find the list of 11 blogs, either by individual investors or corporations, and platforms specializing in the kind of investments. If we’ve missed one from the list, please let us know by commenting below.

Planning, Startups, and Stories

As the chairman and founder of Palo Alto Software, Tim Berry has dedicated his entire life to small-scale companies. This includes many of his ventures, like this blog, and several investments. Berry has direct experience in angel investing, and his blog provides plenty of business tips. Tim Berry has you covered if you’re searching for your very first angel investor, examining more about the process, or an investor needing directions!

Venture Hacks

Created on behalf of AngelList, Venture Hacks is an advice column written by angel investors about their processes. It includes details on how to enhance your pitch to investors more effectively. Once you’ve finished checking out their tips, visit AngelList’s parent AngelList website, AngelList, to locate an angel investor in your area that fits you.


The blog of Jason Calicanis. Jason Calicanis, Calicanis.com is an easy-going, down-to-earth blog written by a veteran investor, entrepreneur, blogger, and author. This blog is an excellent method to seek information on various investment options. Jason’s writing style is easy to understand and offers advice that will be helpful to any individual.

A2A–Analyst to Angel

Adam Quinton, the founder and CEO of Lucas Point Ventures, is an experienced investor. This blog is dedicated to speaking about the ins and outs of investing from an investor’s perspective. As a founding member of Astia Angel, Adam has gained the experience necessary to give you the correct advice to find investors.

Fink About It

Written by the current investment angel Jeffrey Finkle, Fink About It provides excellent information on the business of investing, startups, and even life in general. The site also offers audio content podcasts, which are a perfect place to learn more by listening rather than reading.

On Startups

A site that gathers blog posts written by a range of entrepreneurs. On Startups is bound to contain information from someone who can relate to your situation. Hubspot’s CTO, Dharmesh Shah, founded the site. The site is explicitly designed for software-related startups, and if you’ve got an idea for a technology startup, This is the website for you.

The Seraf Compass

The folks run it from Seraf Investor; this blog focuses on the ins and outs. Expect lots of jargon for entrepreneurs, as well as many more explanations in depth. If you’ve completed your research — or even if this isn’t your first venture, then Seraf Compass is an excellent resource to improve your abilities in gaining funding.

Blog Maverick

Oh, Mark Cuban. Cuban is a controversial persona, a zany owner of the Dallas Mavericks and the president of the United States of Sharknado. He is also an extremely successful investor who is aware of the subject matter he’s talking about. The tone is a bit more extreme, and so are the details. But Cuban is not for all people. It could be among your top or least loved ones on the list.

The AngelList Blog

Angel owns it. The AngelList blog is an excellent source of stories about businesses that have received seed funds from investors. It’s one of the most effective sites to discover “how I made it” startup stories. Think of it as a format of Q&A. For AngelList users, it’s a great site to stay abreast of the latest changes to the platform and the business. Don’t expect the latest bells and whistles from this one. Its highly minimalist design makes it suitable to read and just read.

The Gust Blog

Suppose you’ve been aware of Angel. Co and likely had a glimpse of Gust.com, an alternative platform for connecting startups to investors. Visit the blog and discover lots of helpful information from both sides: opinions on startups from the investors who fund them and views about startups from the entrepreneurs who run the companies. The categories of their blog are simple to comprehend, so you can select the stage you’re currently in to see if someone can offer advice. Tim Berry is our very own. Tim Berry even writes for the blog; we’re confident you’ll receive solid advice!

The 500 Startups Blog

500. co’s 500.co blog is a diverse collection of case studies, current developments, interviews, and general advice and tips. It’s a great read if you’re bored. In all honesty, it’s regrettable that Dave McClure –the founder of 500 Startups and a confessed troublemaker at 500 Startups, doesn’t even create the blog for the company. If you’re unfamiliar with Dave, he is a good choice. You should check out the posts on his blog-500hats. 500hats. Of course, only if you’re in the market for something with little energy (and plenty of good photos). Unfortunately, his blog did not “officially” make the list since it’s not updated often.

Other blogs that you must read

The first thing we’ll do is inform you that, even if you’re likely to be seeking angel investments, focusing on venture capitalists’ writings is a great idea, considering that most venture capitalists are or have been angel investors in the past. They will frequently offer a wealth of pertinent tips. Check out our top venture capital blogs, and be sure to visit them to read the opinions of venture capitalists Fred Wilson, Chris Dixon, Brad Feld, and Paul Graham about the topic (and do not forget to read — or “pocket”–Paul Graham’s classic article about angel investment).

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